RAFP Volunteer Opportunities
RAFP has many volunteer opportunities throughout the year. The Pantry is open Monday through Friday 8am to 12pm.
Volunteer Opportunities include:
- Stocking Pantry shelves
- Food sorting and processing
- Food donation pick-ups
- Host shopping during Pantry hours
- Home grocery delivery
- Cleaning and minor maintenance
Seasonal Opportunities include:
- Hodag Kids
- Fundraisers and special events
- Building maintenance
Contact: RAFP at 715-369-7237 or complete form linked below
RAFP Location: 627 Coon Street
RAFPG Volunteer Opportunities
The Rhinelander Area Food Pantry Garden operates seasonally and grows up to 5,000 pounds of fresh, nutritious produce for the Pantry each year. Volunteers are always appreciated to continue this valuable effort. No experience necessary!
Volunteer Opportunities include:
- Till and plant (spring)
- Weed the garden
- Harvest produce
- Wash, package, and transport produce to the pantry
- Host the RAFPG Farmer's Market table during Pantry hours
Contact: Tom Jerow at 715-369-6875 or tjerow@gmail.com
Garden Locations: RAFPG located at 1011 Thayer Street. RAFP Greenhouse located at 627 Coon Street.
During the growing season, experienced gardeners will be at the RARPG location on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday from 8am to 11am to coordinate activities and answer questions.