- Feeding America is a food bank. Through our warehouses in Milwaukee and the Fox Valley, we distribute more than 12 million pounds of food a year to more than 1,100 pantries, meal programs and other nonprofit agencies that serve nearly 300,000 people in the eastern half of Wisconsin.
- Oneida County University of Wisconsin Extension extends the knowledge and resources of the University of Wisconsin to people where they live and work. The Wisconsin Nutrition Education Program, in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin Extension Family Living Program, plans and provides FREE, community-based nutrition education programs within a university research-based context, to limited resource individuals, families and groups.
- Oneida County Social Service Department
- Oneida County Health Department provides many services to the community. Their mission is to promote and protect the health of Oneida County by providing leadership, education, and services. Please call or go to their website for more information. Services include:
- Family Health (car seat installation, immunizations, home visits, fluoride supplements)
- Reproductive Health (pap/pelvic exams, STD screening, pregnancy testing, emergency contraception, family planning counseling)
- WIC (nutritional/breastfeeding education, supplemental foods, peer counseling)
- Environmental Health (lead screening, well water & radon testing kits)
- Wisconsin Well Woman (screening for cervical & breast cancers for women 45 - 64 of low income or without insurance coverage)
- Forward Service Corporation provides housing programs, Transportation Alliance for New Solutions, Upward Bound, Workforce Investment Act, Wisconsin Works, Jobs for America's Graduates, and other programs.
- Northwoods Alliance for Temporary Housing (Frederick Place) - Operated by NATH, Frederick Place is a 16 bed emergency temporary shelter for families, women and men who are experiencing homelessness.
- Habitat For Humanity Northwoods is part of a global, nonprofit housing organization operated on Christian principles that seeks to put God's love into action by building homes, communities and hope. Habitat for Humanity Northwoods Wisconsin is dedicated to eliminating substandard housing locally and worldwide through constructing, rehabilitating and preserving homes; by advocating for fair and just housing policies; and by providing training and access to resources to help families improve their shelter conditions. Habitat for Humanity was founded on the conviction that every man, woman and child should have a simple, durable place to live in dignity and safety, and that decent shelter in decent communities should be a matter of conscience and action for all.
- Habitat For Humanity Restore accepts new and used building materials from individuals, retailers, businesses and contractors. These good quality items are sold to the general public at a fraction of retail prices, with all proceeds going to Habitat for Humanity.
- helps 42 million home and community gardeners end food waste and hunger by educating and enabling them to donate their excess garden produce to one of 7,813 nearby food pantries across America.
Other Assistance
- - Find local food pantries, soup kitchens, food shelves, food banks, and other help.
- United Way of Marathon County - United Way's 211 is a free, confidential information & referral service – available 24/7 for your health and human service needs. Get connected. Get Answers.
- Personal Essentials Pantry - First United Methodist Church, 724 Arbutus Street, Rhinelander. Customers with Rhinelander or Harshaw zip codes. Distribution is 9AM - noon, the last Saturday of each month, and 3:30PM - 5:30PM the second Monday of each month.
- Meals For The Hungry - Located at Hope Center, 1103 Thayer Street, Rhinelander. FREE MEAL from 4:30PM - 7PM every Friday.
- The Table - St. Augustine Episcopal Church, 39 South Pelham Street, Rhinelander. FREE MEAL at 5:30PM the last day of each month (except Dec. 30)
- Ruby's Pantry - Located at the Rhinelander Armory, 1136 Military Road, Rhinelander, WI. Held the third Tuesday of each month - registration at 4:00 PM - distribution from 5:00 PM.